Monday, October 3, 2011

Fear in the Workplace with Intuitive Roi Solberg

Listen to the show: Fear in the Workplace

On October 1st "Business Solutions" resident intuitive Roi Solberg joined Diane in the studio to discuss fear in the workplace.

Over the past two years downsizing and lack of income and resources have left people unsure, feeling insecure and "on the brink," which leads to considerable stress. How are fear and stress impacting your business and your decisions and perhaps holding you back in significant ways?

Listen to Roi and Diane explore how fear affects your decision making, your interaction or lack of interaction with people in your office, and how to recognize the signs of fear permeating your workplace.

Roi Solberg is the author of Spirit of Archetypes: Cards of Spiritual Guidance, a self awareness tool including 48 cards and a comprehensive book. For more information about Roi and to order her book visit

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